Monday 30 September 2013

Welcome to Gilded & Grand

"Le Train Bleu" Restaurant, Gare du Lyon, Paris

Hello and Welcome to Gilded & Grand!

The purpose of this blog is to highlight, inspire, and expose people to all things architectural (interior and exterior) that are gilded, grand, or gilded and grand. My passion for these 2 things come from my travels throughout Europe, particularly in France and Italy. I truly believe that 'they don't make'em like they used to' and that the craftsmanship found in the images I feature is unparalleled in quality and detail to that of today.  
I will try my best to principally use photos I have taken on my trips.

Now that you have an idea of what my blog is about, allow me to explain why I chose the above image: This is "Le Train Bleu", a Belle-Epoque era (circa 1900) restaurant that is on the second floor of one of Paris' largest train stations-the Gare du Lyon. The restaurant was originally designed for the Universal Exhibition of 1900 and was intended to showcase the splendour of Paris to guests arriving from all over the globe.
I think they did a pretty outstanding job! And if you disagree, maybe you'll be persuaded by whom some of the restaurant's regular patrons were: Coco Chanel, Brigitte Bardot, Jean Cocteau, Salvador Dali and jean Gabin. I chose this image because it represented what in my mind is wholly gilded & grand.

View from Platforms at Gare du Lyon, Paris

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